Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pan Am Flight 103 and the Abu Salim Prison Massacre

Even though Gaddafi murdered a lot of people, there are two crimes that got my attention. One of the major crimes was the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. It was flying from London’s Airport to the New York John F. Kennedy International Airport. A total of 270 people were killed, 243 passangers, 16 crew members, and 11 people on the ground at Lockerbie, Scotland (PanAmAir). The Libyan government didn’t accept guilt for the bombing of the plane until August 15, 2003 (Barringer). The second thing major killing that happened was Abu Salim Prison Massacre. Abu Salim is the top security prison in Tripoli, the capital of Libya. They gathered 1270 of the prisoners and murdered all of them by shooting them and using grenades (HRW). These are two major reasons why the Libyans rebelled against Muammar Gaddafi.

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